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1,881 results found

  1. Sustainable Manufacturing: A Key Driver for Environmental Responsibility
    In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the need for environmental responsibility has reached critical proportions. Climate change, resource
  2. The 1 Mistake to Avoid in a Hot Housing Market
    It's a hard time to be looking for a home. Property values have soared on a national level, and a lot of buyers are getting priced out of the market because of it. On the other hand, it's a great time to own a home. With property values being up, homeowners have more options to borrow against their homes. But there's o
  3. The 4 Underrated Financial Moves to Make After a Layoff
    Getting laid off unexpectedly can make you feel scared, disoriented, and unsure of what to do next. Even if you've built an emergency fund, or you're getting a severance, the negative cash flow can make you feel as if your personal finances are in jeopardy.
  4. The CFO’s Gambit: A Multidimensional Strategic Role
    On the three-dimensional chessboard of business, CFOs are expanding their roles in multiple directions at once. Finance leaders now shape and drive
  5. Three Big Ways That Life Insurance Can Be a Lifeline
    The importance of life insurance transcends monetary value by encapsulating emotional reassurance, legacy preservation and strategic financial
  6. Tips for Spending Money Wisely as a Business Owner
    It’s fun to be in charge, but it also means you’re responsible for making the tough decisions. There’s no doubt that finances and managing your business’s finances is essential to the success of your business. You can’t be afraid to dive deep into your business money matters, and you have to take control. Here are some
  7. Top Business Trends Shaping A Post-COVID Environment
    Few would have predicted a year ago that 2020’s challenges would result in such dramatic changes. Global supply chains were interrupted, business and personal interactions shifted online, and remote work took off at an almost unimaginable scale. In response, business leaders are making their supply chains more flexible
  8. Unlocking Wealth Through Business Ownership: A Path For Women
    Unlocking Wealth Through Business Ownership: A Path For Women entrepreneurs. Here are strategic insights; financial literacy;
  9. What to Ask Before Hiring a Financial Advisor
    What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Financial Advisor It's no secret the blogosphere tends to hold financial advisors in contempt. The money blog movement is steeped in DIY gumption that does not lend itself well to seeking outside help. Additionally, even though bloggers won't admit it, at some subconscious level th
  10. Why Do All Small Businesses Need a Website?
    With over 40,000 searches on Google every second, which converts to 3.5 billion searches every day, your small business absolutely must have a website presence. Regardless of the industry sector that you operate within, your customers are more than likely searching for services like yours on the Internet. This sentimen