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  1. 6 Ways to Manage Student Loan Debt
    Student loan debt is a significant financial challenge for millions of graduates. With the rising cost of education, more students are relying on
  2. Healthcare: Are We Headed Into an M&A Boom or Bust?
    The coronavirus pandemic has upended lives and industries, and the senior housing market remains in the crossfire. The pandemic started as a public health issue that has also become an economic issue, and the senior housing industry has felt the impact on both fronts. As senior housing providers continue to battle the
  3. Microfinance vs. Macrofinance: What's The Difference?
        Microfinance vs. Macrofinance: An Overview Microfinance and macrofinance represent two types of funding-related activities. The
  4. Good debt vs. bad debt: Understanding the difference
    Not all debt is created equal. Read on to understand the difference between good and bad debt, and how to adjust your strategies based on your own financial situation
  5. Will inflation hurt your credit score?
    Inflation can affect your finances and your credit. Here's what you can to mitigate -- or prevent -- any potential impact
  6. 2022 Transfer Tax Update
    Despite the various proposals to lower federal transfer tax (estate, gift and GST taxes) exemptions and increase the tax rates, none of them were enacted in 2021.
  7. Are You Making These Money Mistakes In Your Business?
    You’re an ambitious woman and you likely became an entrepreneur because you saw you could do more in your career. You wanted to reach higher, reach more people, and make your mark in the world. Being an entrepreneur offered you a way of doing that, and you hit the ground running. You learned all the things: marketing,
  8. Which of These 3 Options Is the Best Way to Tap Into Your Home Equity?
    Home equity is the cash you have tied up in your house. If you have a lot of equity in your home, you may want to access some of that money for other purposes, such as home renovations or debt repayments.
  9. GDP roars past pre-pandemic levels. Where does the economy go from here?
    WASHINGTON — Even with production glitches, transportation bottlenecks and labor shortages, the U. S. economy grew in the second quarter at one of the fastest rates in decades, lifting the nation’s total output above where it was before COVID-19 hit, according to government data released Thursday. “That we were able to
  10. The Rise Of The 'S' In ESG: Social Practices Companies Can Implement To Improve ESG Performance
    Article By Bruce White Erika K. Powers Barnes & Thornburg LLP Alert Highlights • The importance of the “S” in ESG has increased in recent years