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  1. 3 ways employers can utilize employee engagement tech to reduce turnover
    For HR leadership, zeroing in on employee engagement efforts has never been so critical, as record high resignation rates and a plethora of open
  2. About Business Email Compromise
    Protect your business! Learn about Business Email Compromise, or BEC. When you know how this common phishing technique works, you can stay safe.
  3. The 401(k) Contribution Limit Is Increasing in 2020
    The IRS just announced its latest inflation adjustments for 2020, and one of the most significant for investors is the upward adjustment in the contribution limits to 401(k) and other qualified retirement plans. With that in mind, here's a discussion of just how much more you can legally save in your tax-advantaged emp
  4. How Much Salary Should Business Owners Take To Maximize Social Security?
    Determining the best salary to pay yourself as a business owner can be a tough choice.
  5. Worried About Social Security Cuts? 2 Moves to Make Right Now
    It's no secret that Social Security has been struggling financially for years. It's long been a hot-button topic in Washington, and more retirees are
  6. Powers of Attorney: The Estate Planning Tools Every Adult Should Have
    Attorney Jennifer Imediegwu A Financial Power of Attorney and Health Care Power of Attorney are two very important estate planning documents. Without such powers in place, an individual is open to a guardianship action in the event of an accident, prolonged illness or mental incapacity. Guardianships can be costly and
  7. 7 Steps To Achieve Financial Freedom And Retire Early
    Being financially free allows you to break away from the immense stress of living paycheck to paycheck, and the earlier you start working towards this goal, the more achievable your early retirement dream can be.
  8. 9 Tips And Strategies To Spend Less During The Holidays
    The holiday season is one of joy, giving, and merriment. However, it can also be a period of financial strain, with expenses skyrocketing due to
  9. What recession? Pessimism recedes for global economy in 2020.
    Slowing growth and trade tensions were seen a few months ago as major threats to the global economy. The outlook has shifted notably. A nuanced optimism has crept into the stock markets and forecasts about the world economy. Where traders and economists once predicted a U. S. recession in 2020 or certainly by 2021, man
  10. Roth IRA for Kids
    Small business owners may find it challenging to find ways to provide additional benefits to their children who work for the company. One often