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  1. Tight labor markets will be top business challenge in 2020
    The labor markets have been tight for several years, and it’s only going to get worse in 2020. The latest reports from both large corporations and
  2. Signal Or Noise? Four Things To Know About Sustainability Metrics
    Over the last few years there has been a groundswell of support for “non-traditional” metrics and disclosures on company operations.
  3. Your Business Needs a Succession Plan: Here Are the Basics
    In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series on selling your business, we’ve examined the questions facing owners who entered 2020 ready to make their move, breaking down how the COVID-19 pandemic changes the situation and how to increase a business’s value if you decide to delay bringing it to market. There’s another way forwa
  4. 7 Key Consumer Tech Trends Influencing CRM
    CRM (customer relationship management) tools have transformed beyond simple contact management tools. Today, they come with advanced features that
  5. 5 Business Practices to Help You Stay Ahead of Competitors
    Those who wait for the pain of business change find it hard to survive and regain leadership. Every business owner realizes that change is now the
  6. 5 Ways to Cut Costs in Your Business
    Trimming costs can be as important to your business as boosting revenue. Here are 5 tips to help improve your bottom line
  7. What Do Women Need From The Workplace?
    Michele Parmelee, chief people and purpose officer at Deloitte Deloitte The last couple of years have not been a particularly good time to be a woman
  8. How to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals into your business
    Since their launch five years ago, the U. N.’s Sustainable Development Goals have been the topic of conversation in corporate sustainability. Then came COVID-19, threatening our health and the health of our loved ones, upheaving the economy, and causing us to rethink how we work and live, the conversation has shifted.
  9. 2 Innovations That Can Tip the Balance in Cybersecurity
    By John Davis, Retired U.S. Army Major General and Vice President and Federal Chief Security Officer for Palo Alto Networks What critical innovations
  10. 6 Cost-Effective Ways to Organize Small Business Finances
    A recorded 20% of businesses fail in the first 12 months. Throw it ten years down the line and that number jumps to 2 out of every 3. 66% of