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  1. 4 Ways to Reduce Your Business Expenses
    Reducing business expenses without affecting the quality of your product or service can be a real challenge. At the same time, small businesses that
  2. 3 Reasons to Go With a Roth IRA
    One of the biggest decisions you must make when saving for retirement is whether to go with a traditional or Roth IRA. You're not locked into one -- you can start with one and transition to the other over time, or contribute some money to both types of accounts. But most people favor one over the other. Traditional IRA
  3. The Benefits Of Financial Literacy For Business Owners
    As a business owner, it is essential to understand the basics of financial literacy.
  4. 4 Things Budgeting All-Stars Do
    Following a budget may not seem like the most fun way to live. But actually, sticking to a budget can, to some extent, buy you financial freedom. If you're able to manage your money so that you're not forced to borrow in a pinch, you won't be shackled by debt payments like so many other Americans. If you're new to budg
  5. The New 2024 Health Savings Accounts (HSA) Limits Explained
    A Health Savings Account, often called an HSA, allows you to pay for some medical expenses with tax-free money.
  6. Junior Achievement’s Biztown, Old National Bank Foundation Team for Unique Student Financial Literacy Experience
    Biztown, a simulated town with storefronts that provides a unique and popular learning experience for elementary and middle school students, is part
  7. 4 Ways Companies Can Prepare For Growth After Covid
    After Covid, companies may need to consider approaching growth differently.gettyAre you prepared for growth? It’s a timely question to consider as we approach the one-year anniversary of the pandemic in the United States. It’s also a question that likely hasn’t come up in some time for those companies hit especially ha
  8. 2022 Transfer Tax Update
    Despite the various proposals to lower federal transfer tax (estate, gift and GST taxes) exemptions and increase the tax rates, none of them were enacted in 2021.
  9. 7 Sources of Retirement Income You Probably Haven't Considered Yet
    There are some things you should do well before you retire, and an important one is this: Figure out your sources of retirement income. After all,
  10. Don't Get Taxed by Surprise: Year-Round Tax Planning Tips
    By Brad Wright, CFP ‘Tis the season…for taxes. Actually, you should be thinking about taxes year-round. Yes, good times indeed, but when it comes to