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  1. Tight labor markets will be top business challenge in 2020
    The labor markets have been tight for several years, and it’s only going to get worse in 2020. The latest reports from both large corporations and
  2. 7 Trends Small Business Owners Can Embrace To Excel In 2023
    Make the new year an opportunity for growth and fulfillment, even during one of the most challenging eras for small business owners. Alykhan Jetha
  3. Are You Making These Money Mistakes In Your Business?
    You’re an ambitious woman and you likely became an entrepreneur because you saw you could do more in your career. You wanted to reach higher, reach more people, and make your mark in the world. Being an entrepreneur offered you a way of doing that, and you hit the ground running. You learned all the things: marketing,
  4. Covid Has Transformed How Shoppers Pay. Here’s How Small Business Can Benefit
    Covid has transformed how we pay for goods and services.
  5. How to Build the Ultimate Website for Business Growth
    In the quick-paced, digital world we presently inhabit, having a strong online presence is helpful and necessary for any organization wishing to
  6. You should think more about how you onboard your newest hires
    Most hiring managers want new recruits to be comfortable in their role, to be productive and motivated, and to feel confident that they’ve made the right choice in accepting this job. Why, then, do so many employers still use outdated, ineffective onboarding practices that turn already-nervous new hires into balls of a
  7. How to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals into your business
    Since their launch five years ago, the U. N.’s Sustainable Development Goals have been the topic of conversation in corporate sustainability. Then came COVID-19, threatening our health and the health of our loved ones, upheaving the economy, and causing us to rethink how we work and live, the conversation has shifted.
  8. 2 Innovations That Can Tip the Balance in Cybersecurity
    By John Davis, Retired U.S. Army Major General and Vice President and Federal Chief Security Officer for Palo Alto Networks What critical innovations
  9. 6 Cost-Effective Ways to Organize Small Business Finances
    A recorded 20% of businesses fail in the first 12 months. Throw it ten years down the line and that number jumps to 2 out of every 3. 66% of
  10. Peer Recognition: An Employee Engagement Secret Weapon
    Virtually everyone who has worked in a traditional workplace environment has participated in the obligatory formal annual review with their manager. Seems reasonable, right? Your manager assesses your performance annually and provides you formal feedback. Oftentimes, this process includes performance feedback, recognit