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1,893 results found

  1. Making a Savings Plan
    Whether you're saving for a big investment like a home, or just want to start putting money away, having a plan is essential. This article will be a step-by-step guide of how to start. Introduction Why savings is so important – helps you reach financial goals and keeps you from turning to credit in emergencies Makes i
  2. Five Tips for Becoming a Financially Successful Couple
    Having helped hundreds of couples retire, while also recently celebrating five years of marriage, we’ve learned a thing or two about navigating
  3. 5 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make That’s Costing You Thousands
    Being a business owner is challenging, and making mistakes is typical.
  4. Here’s What Couples Need to Know About Merging Finances
    Personal finances embody deeply rooted emotional characteristics that shape one’s behavior toward their money. It’s important to remember that when sharing finances with a significant other, it’s not a one-size-fits all kind of deal. Individual emotions, trauma and beliefs around money will differ from person-to-person
  5. Here's Why Investing In Frontline Workers Is Good For Your Bottom Line
    Guild Education Cofounder and CEO Rachel Carlson was named to the Forbes Under 30 list in 2017. Most employers know that employee attrition is detrimental to their company’s success. But few know how to improve retention and continue to attract top talent. That’s why many of the nation’s largest companies, from Lowe’s
  6. Watch Out For These Global Business Risks In 2020
    The Great Depression of the 1920s laid waste to businesses and defined a decade. What do the 2020s have in store? Here’s a quick list of top risks that should be on your radar: Lack of Cyber Resilience Increasing tension between the U. S. and Iran has leaders on alert for cyberattacks by a nation state actor, but that’
  7. 4 Ways Women Can Win with the SECURE Act
    While women have historically done better than men in the stock market by about 0.4% per year, they are undeniably in a worse position when it comes to retirement security. This disadvantage stems from fewer years spent in the workforce, longer life expectancy, the wage gap and less access to workplace retirement plans
  8. Mansion on Main
    HistoryThe M Fine building located on Main Street in New Albany, Indiana is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, preserving history and
  9. Why Do All Small Businesses Need a Website?
    With over 40,000 searches on Google every second, which converts to 3.5 billion searches every day, your small business absolutely must have a website presence. Regardless of the industry sector that you operate within, your customers are more than likely searching for services like yours on the Internet. This sentimen
  10. When Choosing Joint Or Separate Bank Accounts, Here Are Some Key Considerations
    Financial management is one of marriage’s most critical yet tricky parts. How you and your spouse handle money can significantly affect how you get along.