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  1. It’s IRA Season – Ensure Your Assets Are Optimally Invested
    Contributing to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA by April 18 (or April 19 for Maine and Massachusetts residents) is your opportunity to cut your 2021 income taxes with a traditional IRA or get tax-free growth with a Roth, assuming you’re eligible.
  2. The way companies project growth shapes the economic outlook. Here’s how to face the slowdown.
    Editor’s note: The following is a guest article from Mark Schwartz, enterprise strategist at AWS.  For the most part, the global economy is
  3. Where to Save Cash: You Have Options
    Saving money is an important component of a strong financial plan. Putting money away makes it easier to prepare for emergency expenses and achieve
  4. 3 Reasons Investors Should Avoid Reacting to Stock Market Volatility
    If you’ve been keeping an eye on your stock portfolio lately, there’s a good chance you’re stressed out. But turning that anxiety into action could be
  5. Low recession risk, faster growth, and unemployment at a 70-year low — here are Goldman Sachs' predictions for the US economy in 2020
    Goldman Sachs is optimistic about the US economy in 2020. The Wall Street titan's economists expect growth to accelerate next year after suffering from the trade war in recent months. They predict unemployment will drop to its lowest level since the Korean War, and they put the risk of a recession at one in five. Goldm
  6. 5 money conversations you should have before you get married
    Money may not be the most romantic topic on the pre-wedding agenda, but it's probably the most important. According to a study of over 4,500 married
  7. 5 Money Moves to Make 10 Years Before You Retire
    If you're 10 years away from retiring, take these key steps to make sure your finances are in check for when you make the leap. Here are five ways to prepare your finances, according to experts. You have worked and saved and worked some more, and now you're finally 10 years away from retirement—first of all, congratula
  8. Do You Want To Save Money? Try These 7 Tips
    Worried about building a healthy financial future? Here are 7 tips to help you implement effective strategies and boost your savings
  9. Get Lean: 5 Ways to Save Money in Any Economy
    With recession fears increasing day by day, it won’t be long before companies start looking for new ways to save money. Economic downturns can be make-or-break situations for plenty of businesses. And, costs are a big factor in who makes it out intact. Don’t wait until the market forces you to slash your budget. By the
  10. Money management 101: How to ace student checking accounts
    For many students, heading to college is the first opportunity for them to take their financial fitness into their own hands.