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  1. 5 Cost-Saving Strategies for Small Businesses
    Creating and running a small business requires a lot of dedication. On a daily basis, so many important decisions need to be made, from the pricing of
  2. 6 Tips to Celebrate Small Business Saturday in Today’s Worl
      If you’re a small business retailer, you’re probably approaching the holiday season with a mixture of excitement—finally, in-person holiday
  3. Understanding Link Analytics: Why It Matters for Your Business
    Links can offer key insights into your customers. Read on to find out why and how you can use link analytics to boost your marketing strategies and online performance
  4. A comprehensive guide to small business insurance: Here’s how to safeguard your company
    Starting your own business requires a significant investment of both time and money. Millions of people continue to step up to the challenge with 33
  5. When Is It OK to Tap Your Retirement Savings?
    You spend your working years saving what you can for retirement, knowing you'll one day take the money out. But things don't always go according to
  6. Life Insurance: What Business Owners Should Know
    It's important to insure yourself as well as your company It is said that a quality life insurance policy provides "certainty in an uncertain world."
  7. 401(k) vs. IRA: Which One Is Right for You?
    There are dozens of factors to consider as you're planning for retirement. How much should you be saving? What age should you retire?
  8. Should I Make A S-Corporation Election?
    S-Corp ElectionRido81The first tax deadline for S-Corporations and Partnerships is next week, and I’m fielding a lot of questions around the S-Corporation election. Many small business owners think or have been told that the S-Corp election is the way to reduce taxes for your business, because it gives you the ability
  9. Small Business Owners Ask: Am I Paying My Employees The Right Salary?
    By Rieva Lesonsky Survey after survey of small business owners indicates that attracting and keeping employees is one of the biggest challenges today. And with the unemployment rate still low, that problem is not likely to go away soon. A few months ago we noted that, according to a survey from Kelton Global, commissio
  10. Financial Advice I Would Give My Younger Self – Planning for Education Funding
    At the end of most lectures I give, the moderator usually asks, "What else should our audience know?"