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1,893 results found

  1. 7 Wealth Building Habits You Need To Start Now
    Your wealth can typically be managed 1 of 2 ways: Either you are building your wealth, or you are shrinking your wealth.  Each and every day, we
  2. Customer Retention Optimization Strategies to Keep Customers Long-Term
    Your customers are your enterprise’s life’s blood. When you get a new customer, work to retain them and grow customer lifetime value. While the sales team will always be looking for new customers, retaining a current customer is far cheaper than finding a new customer to replace them. When you retain a customer, you’ve
  3. 3 Reasons to Go With a Roth IRA
    One of the biggest decisions you must make when saving for retirement is whether to go with a traditional or Roth IRA. You're not locked into one -- you can start with one and transition to the other over time, or contribute some money to both types of accounts. But most people favor one over the other. Traditional IRA
  4. Think twice before cutting employee financial wellness benefits
    Can you think of the last time a financial situation had you stressed out and so preoccupied it was difficult to focus at work? All you could think about was handling the situation and maintaining financial stability, eliminating that added stress and getting back to life as usual. Now top that situation off with the n
  5. The Fed is confident it can stave off a recession in 2022, but others aren't so sure
    A growing number of experts see a recession on the horizon, but the economic community is split. Fed chair Jerome Powell believes the US can still
  6. Top Business Trends Shaping A Post-COVID Environment
    Few would have predicted a year ago that 2020’s challenges would result in such dramatic changes. Global supply chains were interrupted, business and personal interactions shifted online, and remote work took off at an almost unimaginable scale. In response, business leaders are making their supply chains more flexible
  7. How To Market A Small Business On A Budget
    During tough times, marketing often gets cut even though it's key to increasing a company's visibility. Consider these affordable solutions for promoting your small business
  8. For the first time in US history, a decade will pass without the country falling into a recession
    In every decade since the period immediately before the Civil War, the US economy could be relied on to do one thing: tumble into recession. But the American economy is on pace to defy that trend for the first time in nearly 170 years as it enters the 2020s. The 2010s would be first time a decade has come and gone with
  9. Financial Stress Makes You Less Productive – 5 Steps To Strengthen Your Finances
    Workers are so stressed about their finances that it’s costing companies seven hours each week  in lost productivity.
  10. 3 401(k) Mistakes to Avoid During the COVID-19 Crisis
    Millions of Americans have already been impacted financially by COVID-19, and if you're one of them, that could change the way you plan and save for retirement. But the more careful you are with your 401(k), the less likely you'll be to make a mistake that hurts you in the long run. Here are three specific 401(k) moves