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1,094 results found

  1. 3 Big-Business Things a Small Business Must Do
    If you're running a small business, you don't have the same resources that your larger competitors do, so you have to pick and choose where you make investments.
  2. 3 Tips for Investing in Your 50s
    The years in your 50s are pivotal ages on the road to retirement. At this stage of life, you may be making plans for how you'll spend your senior years and when you'll close out your career. You might also be grappling with college tuition payments for your children or other expenses that eat up a lot of your income. T
  3. 3 Ways the IRS $80 Billion Spending Plan Will Make It Easier for Small-Business Owners to Do Their Taxes
    The 10-year spending plan aims to bring a long underfunded and overwhelmed agency into the 21st century. After months of anticipation, small
  4. 5 stimulus check scams that try to steal your money, identity, or both
    The past month or so has been marked by mass confusion, financial stress, and fear — the perfect storm for would-be scammers. Now, as many of us
  5. Are Student Loans The Next Mortgage Crisis?
    This watchdog thinks that student loans are the next mortgage crisis. Here’s what you need to know. Student Loans: Watchdog Mike Calhoun, who runs the nonprofit Center for Responsible Lending, sees many similarities between the 2007-2008 mortgage crisis and today’s student loans. The latest student loan debt statistics
  6. Do You Believe Any of These 4 Personal Loan Myths?
    Are there repairs around your house that need to be taken care of? Been itching to remodel a room?
  7. 3 Estate Planning Documents Every Parent Needs
    Even when you're young, childless, and don't have many assets, you need to do some basic estate planning. But estate planning takes on a new urgency
  8. 3 Reasons to Go With a Roth IRA
    One of the biggest decisions you must make when saving for retirement is whether to go with a traditional or Roth IRA. You're not locked into one -- you can start with one and transition to the other over time, or contribute some money to both types of accounts. But most people favor one over the other. Traditional IRA
  9. 5 Quick-Hit Personal Finance Tips To Help You Invest In Yourself
    Making enough money is just the beginning—then you have to manage it. Everyone, from recent college graduates to those well established in their careers, can reap the benefits of advancing their personal financial literacy.
  10. 5 Steps to Take When Buying Your First Home
    Buying a home to call your own is such an exciting time, but without a clear understanding of the process — and the proper amount of preparation — things can become tense quickly. Here are some tips to follow to avoid having that happen to you