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385 results found

  1. App Fraud is on the Rise: Here’s What ikConsumers Should Know to Protect Themselves
    Money transfer apps like Zelle have made our lives much easier – need to pay a friend your share of the dinner bill or send your sibling half of mom’s
  2. Benefits and Uses of Virtual Credit Cards for Businesses
    Virtual Credit Cards for Businesses: Benefits and Uses In the digital age, businesses continuously seek innovative solutions to streamline operations,
  3. COVID-19 and Cybersecurity: Combating “Zoombombing” and Securing Your Remote Working Videoconferences
    Article By Jason G. Weiss Peter Baldwin Faegre Drinker Client Alert As COVID-19 has prompted a massive shift by organizations to the implementation and use of remote working solutions for their employees, there has been an unfortunate, but not surprising, corresponding rise in malicious actors seeking to exploit remote
  4. Data Secure Apps Offer Bank Customers Peace of Mind
    Making mobile deposits. Checking account balances. Paying bills. Consumers have embraced online banking via their mobile banking apps. Yet one in five (21%) U.
  5. Do You Believe Any of These 4 Personal Loan Myths?
    Are there repairs around your house that need to be taken care of? Been itching to remodel a room?
  6. HR strategies to navigate open enrollment in a virtual world
    Under normal circumstances, the open enrollment season is a challenging time for HR departments, but 2020 is anything but normal. The COVID-19 crisis has had a profound impact on the economy, unemployment rates, the healthcare system and more. As this year’s open enrollment period rolls up, many employers and HR teams
  7. Remote Work Culture Is Struggling—Here Are 5 Ways To Save It
    How can leaders set the tone for an adaptable and authentic workplace culture that allows for team members to adjust to the evolution of work?
  8. Solo 401(k)s and SEP IRAs: What you need to know
    As an owner of a small business, you have multiple roles to play, and saving for retirement is probably the last thing on your mind. However, with proper planning, it can minimize taxes and help make your business profitable. Solo 401(k)s and SEP IRAs are both tax-deferred retirement savings accounts for small business
  9. The Most Common Customer Service Mistakes Small Businesses Make
    Customer service can make or break a business. Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them
  10. The Unstoppable Growth Rate Of Latino-Owned Businesses In America
    In the vibrant tapestry of the U.S. economy, Latino-owned businesses have emerged as a dynamic and influential force.