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1,885 results found

  1. 3 Things a Small Business Can Do to Retain Employees
    With the economy strong and a lot of companies looking for help, workers have more options than they otherwise would. That can create problems for small businesses, which may not be able to match the pay or perks at bigger firms. But just because big companies might offer your employees a raise does not mean you can't
  2. College Savings Accounts: Which One is Right for You
    For many families, saving for children’s college is a financial priority, often topped only by retirement savings. And with college costing an average
  3. What Recent (but Enduring) Changes in the Healthcare Industry Mean for You
    How many times have you heard the phrase “new normal” recently? Have you wondered what, exactly, that may look like for operators in the Healthcare space? It’s too early to call every 2020 trend a winner or loser, but there are some sure-fire early takeaways for Healthcare industry players. All business leaders in our
  4. Here's How to Tell if Relocating for a Job Is Worth it
    While remote work is becoming more and more prevalent thanks to technology and workplace changes wrought by COVID-19, it is not yet available to everyone or in all career fields.
  5. 7 Small-Business Strategies for Customer Retention
    Customer retention is an ongoing process, and it requires a genuine commitment to understanding and meeting your customers' needs. By Kalin Kassabov,
  6. Common Pitfalls When Finding a New Hire
    Every hiring experience should be a learning experience. Finding a new hire can be one of the most difficult things to do for a small-business owner,
  7. Cybersecurity, IT top CFOs’ spending hike list
    Dive Brief: Cybersecurity and digital transformation top the list of areas where CFOs expect to increase spending in the next 12 months, according
  8. Eco-Friendly Banking: Old National Bank's Commitment to Recycling Technology with ‘PCs for People’
    We live in the digital age, where technology is at the heart of nearly every aspect of our lives. The financial industry relies on cutting-edge
  9. CFOs increasingly prioritizing ESG issues along with addressing talent shortage
    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment has quickly progressed from a mere compliance issue to a core value for many organizations. "It
  10. Common Scams That Target Small Businesses
    Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, but they are also prime targets for scammers. Why? Because small businesses often don’t